HomeNintendo NewsCastle Crashers On Switch?

Castle Crashers On Switch?

The Behemoth Teases Castle Crashers On Switch On Twitter

It was only a matter of time until the four player beat-em-up announced for the Switch. While nothing was officially announced I think this photo speaks for its self. Each color represents the four main Knights and when questioned on Twitter responded with the pink and purple Joycons.

Castle Crashers Will Be Right At Home On The Switch

As I have watched the Switch grow into the indie powerhouse that it is, I have wondered, when we would see Castle Crashers on the system? If this is a game you missed you are in for such a treat. It’s an arcade style beat-em-up with a leveling system. The Xbox 360 and Xbox One version both had online play so I would assume the Switch version will be no different. At this point, all we have are these photos so no date yet.

Will you be getting back into Castle Crashers on the Switch? Will it be your first time with the game? Let me know in the comments below. I may read a few comments on the Nintendo Power Cast.


Josh Schmidt
Josh Schmidt
I've been a Nintendo fan for over 30 years. I love talking about Nintendo games almost as much as I love playing them. I am the host of the Nintendo Power Cast and I stream Nintendo games regularly on Twitch.


  1. Castle Crashers was so much fun to play co-op. I remember getting the boomerang stuck on the bat boss and power leveling that way. Since leveling up was based on hits and not kills it was a good way to power level. Such fond memories! If/when it comes to Switch I will most definitely be picking it up again!

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