Scribblenauts Showdown preview
On March 6th Scribblenauts Showdown will make its way onto the Switch, PS4, and Xbox One. Having not played a Scribblenauts game since the DS I am excited to jump back in. The latest iteration of the game looks to focus more on multiplayer.
The launch trailer showcases a rock paper scissors style game, and recent screenshots showing off what looks like a board game and slew of mini-games. A rhythm game, Frisby on the beach, a pinata game, (check out that dino-elephant costume) a cooking game, and a foot race to name a few. Scribblenauts has always been about imagination. Do you want to see a mini t-rex fight a garden gnome? Scribblenauts is your game. The addition of mini-games seems like a good move for the series to move it forward. Are you a fan of the series? What do you think of the direction they are taking the series? let me know in the comments below.
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