HomeSmash BrosSuper Smash Bros Ultimate News, Smash 4 Link, Smash Bros Cast Ep.19

Super Smash Bros Ultimate News, Smash 4 Link, Smash Bros Cast Ep.19

Smash Bros Cast Episode 19

Countdown to Smash:

  • As of 7/13 146 Days

Smash News

  • 7/8-7/12 Smash Blog
  • Marth Fighter 21
  • Marth is an exceptional swordfighter with a long reach. He’ll do the most damage with attacks using the tip of his sword, so spacing is an important factor.
  • Kirby Fighter 6
  • Kirby’s ability to copy other fighters is totally unique! While he is light and can be launched easily, he can also jump up to five times in the air, so he has  great recovery. Look for his new Stone transformation, too.
  • MegaMan Music
  • Alolan Raichu
  • He rides his tail and rushes the enemy. Since he moves freely around the stage, Alolan Racihu may be a bit difficult to dodge.
  • MegaMan Fighter 46
  • Mega Man’s standard and special moves use weapons copied from the bosses he’s fought throughout the Mega Man series, so he has more projectiles than any other fighter. His Final Smash now features Proto Man and Bass!
  • Pit Fighter 28
  • Pit is a well-balanced, well-rounded character with a defensive special that nullifies long distance attacks and excellent recovery. He’s a great choice for new players!
  • Sakurai isn’t concerned about the competitive aspect of Smash. –
  • Amiibo for Pre-order!
  • Ridley, Inkling Girl, and Wolf are available for pre-order at Best Buy and Amazon!

Talking points

  • Bill Trinen “Smash Bros was not a happy accident”
  • The first thing that I would do is rewind a bit and go to the ‘happy accident’ because that is a myth that I want to dispel. Absolutely dispel. Because the assumption is almost that Nintendo didn’t know what it had with Smash Bros. And that actually suggests that Mr. Sakurai didn’t know what he was doing. Whereas very, very specifically, he designed the game even back on the Nintendo 64 and especially on the GameCube, very specifically what we were talking about is a game that anyone can pick up and play, but one that has the incredible layer of depth to it. I mean, we used to play Melee every day at lunch and after work for 10 years. Literally. This went on in the Treehouse for years and years and years. Then we just got too busy.
  • We had families and all that. It was even over all that time, we continued to improve and grow as players because he specifically designed the game with layer upon layer upon layer of depth. It wasn’t an accident. The game didn’t accidentally become that way. He is a meticulous game designer. Every decision that he makes on the game is a planned decision. So what was the ‘happy accident’ wasn’t that the game was designed that way. The happy accident was that people started to discover it, and that became something that people could then relate to one another through and that they can have fun playing with each other. And that created the bond that gave them the inspiration for the community to build that tournament scene. But I do want to dispel the notion that the game wasn’t designed with that in mind because it very much was.

Smash Character: Link – From Prima Guides

  • Link has above-average weight and decent range on all of his attacks, thanks to his sword. He also has a variety of projectiles he can use to attack characters from afar. This means he can easily switch between playing a ranged game or an up-close game. Along with his sword, he also carries his Hylian Shield, which blocks projectiles as long as you are not attacking. Link reacts when blocking a projectile, but this only works when projectiles make contact with his shield, so he can still be hit with projectiles from behind. His weaknesses are his overall speed and his horizontal recovery.  

TheSkuxxedOne-Competitive Guide

Jtails-Link Competitive Guide

Dragon Smash Top Ten Link Plays

No Contest-Link True Combos

Smash Practice

  • Playing Live
    • Working on understanding the rock/paper/scissors mentality of attack/shield/grab
    • Best way to learn and play the game without online lag

Smash Resources

Checkout RichaadEB’s Metal Melee 

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Josh Schmidt
Josh Schmidt
I've been a Nintendo fan for over 30 years. I love talking about Nintendo games almost as much as I love playing them. I am the host of the Nintendo Power Cast and I stream Nintendo games regularly on Twitch.
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