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The Nintendo Switch Two Years In.

The Nintendo Switch Is Two, They Grow Up So Fast…

Nintendo Switch Turns two

It’s been two years since Nintendo unleashed its console hybrid on the world. With almost 40 million units sold worldwide, it’s proven to be much more successful than its predecessor, the WiiU. Nintendo is showing no signs of halting the momentum that the Switch has had since launch. The Switch has so many new games each week that there is no way to keep up. New games, WiiU ports, indies, and a few third-party titles have made for a very extensive library, spanning multiple genres. With so many titles over such a short time I want to hear from you. What are some hidden gems on the system? (Let me know in the comments and the answers will be read on tonight’s Nintendo Power Cast)

Favorite Nintendo Switch Memory So Far?

Looking back on the past two years for me brings a flood of different emotions. I’ve met so many great people and formed relationships with so many because of the Switch. Some of my favorite memories are watching the Directs with the community and the excitement each ones brings. The Smash Bros and Animal Crossing announcements are two that really stand out to me. What has been one of your favorite memories thus far? (Let me know in the comments and the answers will be read on tonight’s Nintendo Power Cast)

Josh Schmidt
Josh Schmidt
I've been a Nintendo fan for over 30 years. I love talking about Nintendo games almost as much as I love playing them. I am the host of the Nintendo Power Cast and I stream Nintendo games regularly on Twitch.


  1. My favorite memory? So many to pick! But my all time favorite has to be opening my console at Christmas.

  2. My Nintendo switch hidden gem would have to be “Ultimate Chicken Horse.” If you haven’t heard of it, it’s a 2D party platformer where you and your friends add platforms and traps to the level as you go, making it easier or more difficult to reach the finish first. It’s hilariously fun couch co-op or online and you can even share and play other people’s levels online. Plus you get to play as cute little animals!

    My favorite Nintendo switch memory so far would be the day splatoon 2 came out. My wife and I were big splatoon fans on WiiU, but we only had one console so we always had to take turns playing. When the switch came out though, we bought two, knowing that splatoon 2 was on the horizon. When the game finally came out and we were able to play in matches together, it was such an exciting day. We played it all weekend together and it’s still one of our favorite things to do together.

  3. The Steamworld Dig games are perfect games for the Switch. The second one did a great job building from the first one. Another series that felt at home are the Shantae games. Both were so much fun to play on the Switch. All four games are highly recommended!

  4. Not sure if these are considered hidden gems but I feel they definitely don’t get talked about very often. Musynx, Voez & Superbeat: Xonic are some great rhythm titles on Switch that I feel get overlooked. But if you’re into the genre, definitely worth checking out!

    My favorite Nintendo Switch memory would have to be with Breath of the Wild. Just tinkering with the games physics and gawking at the open world alone I knew this game was something else. Talking about it constantly with friends who didn’t have a switch and selling them all on buying one just shows the kind of pull and how much of a master piece Breath of the Wild truly is.

  5. My favorite memory of the switch goes back to its roots. While Breath of the Wild is not a “hidden” gem, it was definitely revolutionary for the Zelda series. Nintendo tried something they never had with a Zelda title and it paid off. I put hundreds of hours into that game and to this day I can still pick it up and continue on.
    I also think Pokémon Let’s Go was super fun. The Pokeball Plus was kind of a fantasy of mine. To be able to physically throw a pokeball gives me the same childhood wonder I fondly remember while growing up with the series.

  6. Surprisingly, probably playing snipperclips with my sister. That game is ridiculously funny

  7. Spiking someone four times in one Smash quickplay match … that was a good time 😛
    In actuality, I love how Smash Bros is able to bring people together of all different kinds of skill levels and backgrounds. It’s pretty much always a good time, whether I’m throwing down with my more experienced friends or playing casually at parties.

    Also by no means very hidden, but Overcooked 2 is fun stuff. It’s amazing how a game entirely about stress, time constraints, and workflow management (and very unsanitary food handling) can be so satisfying and hilarious! 😛

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