HomeNintendo NewsDid Target Leak Red Dead Redemption 2 For Switch?

Did Target Leak Red Dead Redemption 2 For Switch?

Could Red Dead Redemption 2 on Switch happen after all?

Target Australia had a listing for Red Redemption 2 on the Switch and some believe there may be an announcement on the way. Some of you may remember that Reggie told Hollywood Reporter that the game was too far along in development to make it on the Switch.

So many questions

Could it be happening now? How would it run? Would it have to be streamed? How much storage would be needed for a game like this? So many questions, but the biggest one remains, is this real? This could be nothing more than human error, the wrong box could have been checked when it was being updated on the site. The site has since been updated and the Switch listing has been removed. Do you think this is happening? Let me know in the comments below.


Josh Schmidt
Josh Schmidt
I've been a Nintendo fan for over 30 years. I love talking about Nintendo games almost as much as I love playing them. I am the host of the Nintendo Power Cast and I stream Nintendo games regularly on Twitch.


  1. This would be crazy! I think it would have to get the Resident Evil 7 treatment to really make sure it can run, but, on the other hand Nintendo could be more hands on with helping other developers get these games to be more compatible if it were to be ported over to the switch. Maybe we can get GTA also? There’s a first for everything.

    • I just have so many questions. It seems like it would take a miracle to get this game to run on the Switch.

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