HomePreviewsCuphead on Switch Handheld Gameplay.

Cuphead on Switch Handheld Gameplay.

Cuphead runs great on Switch

The guys over at Gameexplain put up a video of Cuphead being played handheld and the game runs smooth. It will be 720 handheld and 1080 docked both at a crisp 60 FPS.

Seeing Cuphead in handheld really excites me but I will be using my Hori D-pad for this one. A D-pad is a must for this game, especially in boss fights!

How does Cuphead look docked?

The game is looking great docked as well. Here’s a video from Spawnwave showcasing the game on the Switch while docked.

After seeing how smooth the game runs in both handheld and docked and even more stoked play Cuphead again.

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Josh Schmidt
Josh Schmidt
I've been a Nintendo fan for over 30 years. I love talking about Nintendo games almost as much as I love playing them. I am the host of the Nintendo Power Cast and I stream Nintendo games regularly on Twitch.


  1. I’m both really excited and terrified to relive Cuphead. I only played it on Steam, and I actually used the Steam game controller–however, I quickly learned that the Steam controller was a horrible waste of money and only made my Cuphead experience all the more frustrating!
    Real talk, what if the Cuphead developers gave the Mario + Rabbids treatment, and we got a 2D Mario in Cuphead style?!

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