HomeN64Josh BlogFinal Fantasy 7 My First Play Through Part One

Final Fantasy 7 My First Play Through Part One

Finally Fantasy 7

Final Fantasy 7 has made its way to my Switch, and I’m going to attempt to play through it. I posted a photo of Final Fantasy 10 and 12 on my Instagram this morning and asked, “which one I should play?” Some said 10 and some said 12, but quite a few said Final Fantasy 7.

I haven’t played a Final Fantasy game since the NES and that was for all about five minutes. “Where were the Goomba’s?” “Where was the action?” “Why was there reading?” With the attention span of toddler I couldn’t hang. I didn’t want story i wanted action. My attention span hasn’t changed much, but I do have a new found love for JRPG’s thanks to Xenoblade Chronicles 2. I have never been a PlayStation guy, in fact, I only played the PSX one time. Let’s just say my attention span couldn’t handle the load times and I went back to Mario Kart 64 and GoldenEye.

Gaming with an open mind.

I know the look of this game hasn’t aged well and I could wait for the remake but I want to experience like it was in 97. I want to see what I missed out on as Nintendo gamer. I will be back tomorrow with an update. Let me know in the comments if you think I’m crazy for playing Final Fantasy 7 first or if I’m making the right choice.

Josh Schmidt
Josh Schmidt
I've been a Nintendo fan for over 30 years. I love talking about Nintendo games almost as much as I love playing them. I am the host of the Nintendo Power Cast and I stream Nintendo games regularly on Twitch.


  1. Just grabbed it myself! Mind you I still have my original copy from my PS1, just nothing to play it on.

    Looking forward to playing through a game I haven’t played since release and loved thoroughly at the time. Hoping it holds up and hoping you enjoy, brother!

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