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Five Must Play Multiplayer Indie Games

Five multiplayer indies that should be on your Switch for parties

There are more than a handful of stellar party games on the Switch, and I’m going to give you five that you shouldn’t miss. If there are any that you would add, throw them in the comments below


This fast-paced and frantic multiplayer game is from Matt Makes Games. You can have up to six people going head to head in this classic arcade-style game. If you shoot all your arrows, you will need to rely on jumping on your opponents until you grab more. Different maps offer different power-ups like bombs or wings. Be warned friendships will be tested with this one.


Heave-Ho is a four-player co-op game where you control the left and right hand of your character. Swinging each other and climbing around the level, avoiding obstacles makes for a great time. Dying in a game has never been more satisfying as bits of your character are violently sprayed all over the screen.

JackBox Party Pack 3

Jackbox party pack 3 is the perfect at-home multiplayer game that is fun for non-gamers. Each player needs a phone and head over to Jackbox.tv. All of the games are easy to pick up and can be played for hours. Jack Box games will appeal to an older crowd cause reading is a must for these games. Jackbox Party Pack 3 is my recommendation with Jackbox Party Pack 4 being a close second.

Killer Queen Black

Killer Queen Black allows you to take the couch multiplayer online. Grab three friends or family members and jump into the 4v4 action. The pixel art and retro vibe of this game give you a classic arcade experience at home. With the right team coordination, matches can be over pretty quick. Make sure to watch what the other team is up to so they don’t sneak in a snail victory. This game will bring out your competitive side, so be ready to keep your cool and work together.

Overcooked 2

Overcooked two on the Switch is another excellent choice for frantic multiplayer fun. The difficulty ramps up quickly in this one, so be ready to play a few levels over and over again to get all three stars. Up to four people can play at a time, so make sure everyone knows their role when it comes to prepping food, cooking, delivering food, and keeping up with the dishes. You can also play this game online, but I would recommend using some kind of voice chat, or teamwork will be tough.

What games did I miss?

Let me know in the comments which Switch multiplayer indie title you would have included?



Josh Schmidt
Josh Schmidt
I've been a Nintendo fan for over 30 years. I love talking about Nintendo games almost as much as I love playing them. I am the host of the Nintendo Power Cast and I stream Nintendo games regularly on Twitch.


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