HomeN64Josh BlogGoodbye My Friend You Will Be Missed

Goodbye My Friend You Will Be Missed

Goodbye, Bobby, and thanks for everything.

Two weeks ago I was reading updates on Nintendo Guru’s health and telling my family about him. Anticipating recording another podcast with him in the near future. I have only known him a short time but we really hit it off. He was a workhorse, loved Nintendo,  and he was a source of encouragement for me. As creators, this job can get lonely and frustrating. Bobby was an ear when I needed it. We would take turns kicking each other’s ass when frustration would get the best of us. Coming up with ideas and pushing each other to keep going were regular parts of the conversation. I loved jumping into his Mario Kart streams and have him yell at me for dominating him on the track. The banter that is often associated with a well-seasoned relationship happened almost immediately. My eyes are welling knowing all that is left is the memories with no more to be made. He was my brother and knowing him made me a better person. His laugh was infectious and the smile rarely left his face. He loved Nintendo almost as much as he loved his community, and Nintendo Community will miss you, my friend.

The Switch allows us to keep his memory alive with Mario Kart Time Trials and Animal Crossing via the dream address.


If you have any fond memories of Bobby please share them in the comments. Help his family with funeral costs here.

Josh Schmidt
Josh Schmidt
I've been a Nintendo fan for over 30 years. I love talking about Nintendo games almost as much as I love playing them. I am the host of the Nintendo Power Cast and I stream Nintendo games regularly on Twitch.
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