HomeNintendo NewsPanic Button Brings Us Another Gaming Miracle With Apex Legends On The...

Panic Button Brings Us Another Gaming Miracle With Apex Legends On The Switch

The Porting Jedi’s are at it again and they sat down with Nintendo Life

As the generational gap widens with the Switch Panic Button is doing their part to keep next-gen games on the Switch. Nintendo Life recently sat down with Head of Production, Dan Hernberg, and Technical Director, Andy Boggs at Panic Button along with the Game Director of Apex Legends at Respawn, Chad Grenier. Read the full article here.

What about Apex and Cross-Progression?

Here snippet from the NintendoLife.com interview.

Cross-Play has been confirmed for the Switch version, but will Cross-Progression be available as well?

Andy: Cross-Progression is not supported right now.

Is Cross-Progression a plan for Apex?

Chad Grenier (Respawn): It is planned, but I think we’re a ways out from being able to offer that. I really want it as a gamer myself, so I hear what our fans are saying and I totally agree with them. We’re doing work to try to make that happen, it’s a complex challenge of multiple accounts existing for various users that we have to resolve or merge, there are legal and contractual things to navigate with purchasing on other platforms and having those carryover and also some technical challenges. So it’s not something we can just turn on, but we are working towards having it and the team is passionate about delivering it at some point.

What are your thoughts on Apex Legends heading to the Switch? I am looking forward to playing with the community but I will be on my Xbox Series X because of framerate. Stay tuned for much more Apex coverage as well as more BR coverage on my Youtube channel.

Josh Schmidt
Josh Schmidt
I've been a Nintendo fan for over 30 years. I love talking about Nintendo games almost as much as I love playing them. I am the host of the Nintendo Power Cast and I stream Nintendo games regularly on Twitch.
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