HomeN64Josh BlogMy 2020 Goal: To Help Others Reach Their Goals

My 2020 Goal: To Help Others Reach Their Goals

It is time to work together

Most of December I kept asking myself “what is my goal for 2020?” It hit me mid-month that my goal for 2020 is to help others grow and reach their goals. I want to showcase those that are putting in the work but not seeing the traction they would like to have. I have been working at this for over 10 years and it can be lonely at times. Often you get a cold shoulder from other creators because they worry about losing the viewers or subs that they worked so hard to get. One thing that is clear to me is the abundance all around us, there are plenty of viewers, plenty of subs and we will be stronger together. I want to make N64Josh.com a resource for creators and devs to find networking and collaboration opportunities. My vision is that those that consume content can find more creators to connect with.

Click the link below and then email a Google doc.

Copy and paste the questions in this doc to a new doc and then send me the link info@n64josh.com

Josh Schmidt
Josh Schmidt
I've been a Nintendo fan for over 30 years. I love talking about Nintendo games almost as much as I love playing them. I am the host of the Nintendo Power Cast and I stream Nintendo games regularly on Twitch.
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