HomeGuidesSmash Bros Ultimate: 5 Tips For Beginners

Smash Bros Ultimate: 5 Tips For Beginners

Smash Bros Ultimate Beginner Tips

Super Smash Bros Ultimate is almost upon us, and I’ve had many people asking for tips for beginners. As you begin your path with Smash Bros, there will be times that it will feel overwhelming. Here are five tips for beginners in Smash Bros Ultimate to help you on your path.

  1. Choosing  your main
    • Pick a main that fits your play style and play with many characters to figure that out.
    • Don’t let the tier list dictate your choice; you need to play with who you want. Low tier characters can be deadly in the right hands.
    • Choosing a character based a move that seems op is not a good idea because it has the potential to be nerfed.
    • Having a main and few pocket characters will keep the game fresh and while keeping you prepared for different matchups.
    • Updates may nerf your main so be prepared to change if that happens.
  2. Spend time in training
    • Learn the ins and outs of your character in the training room.
    • Attack at different percentages to see what combos work at 0-20% and 20-60% and so on.
    • Focus on movement and getting comfortable with your attacks. Practice your NAIR’s (Neutral Air) and BAIR (Back Air) work on consistency.
    • Make the training room your first stop each time you fire the game and set a practice regiment practicing advanced techniques and combos.
  3. Save your replays
    • Replays allow you to analyze your gameplay to see what works and what does not.
    • Analyze your opponent taking note of what they punished you for and what worked well against them.
    • Pay attention to your habits. What do you do too often that makes you predictable? Why are you doing it? Is it lack of weapons in your arsenal?
    • Grow that arsenal by mixing up your approaches. Pay attention to how you approached each encounter. Did you bait them into shielding? Did they bait you?
    • Watch your wins and your losses so you can always be learning and focusing on improving, never stop doing this.
  4. Play with people better than you and seek advice
    • Learning is more important than winning.
    • Be teachable and willing to take advice when offered even when it’s hard to hear.
    • The more you learn, the more you will improve.
    • Do not allow pride to hinder your learning, and humble pie is the breakfast of champions.
    • It’s ok if the advice is above your skill level, systematically break it down until you’re able to pull it off. If it’s combos break them down and work on each move until you can string them together.
    • Have multiple sparring partners to avoid becoming too familiar with each other.
  5. Practice often and with intent
    • Set achievable goals for yourself, i.e., learn these moves this week or break this habit, etc.
    • Strategize your attack’s. Practice looking predictable to bait your opponent and then punish as they attempt to read your next move.
    • Practice your main and practice with other characters to learn their move sets and what to look for in battle.
    • Catalog your movement, combos, and attacks to muscle memory, and you can shift your focus to reading your opponent during the match.

These five tips only scratch the surface when it comes to the depth of Smash Bros, but it should help as you get started. If you want to stay up to date with my progress check out the Smash Bros Cast.

If you have any questions or comments, hit up the comment section below.

Josh Schmidt
Josh Schmidt
I've been a Nintendo fan for over 30 years. I love talking about Nintendo games almost as much as I love playing them. I am the host of the Nintendo Power Cast and I stream Nintendo games regularly on Twitch.
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