HomeFeatured CreatorFeatured Creator MischaCrossing

Featured Creator MischaCrossing

What is your history with Nintendo?

My first ever gaming console was the original GameBoy, and I’ve been a Nintendo fangirl ever since. I played lots of handheld games but never owned a Nintendo home console until the Wii, so I know I’ve missed some gems. I’m going to try to play catchup and work my way through some classics soon.

Favorites consoles?

GameBoy, 3DS, and Nintendo Switch.

Favorite games or series?

I’ve always been a big fan of Animal Crossing, Mario Kart, Smash Bros., and Super Mario Bros. games. Breath of the Wild is also one of my all-time favorite games.

What’s one of your favorite Nintendo memories?

One of the first games I ever played — and definitely the first I ever beat — was The Smurfs on GameBoy. It was a great little platformer with lots of plants and mushrooms and animals. I remember playing and replaying areas, so determined to finish it, and finally did. Little me felt so accomplished.

What’s a Nintendo game that you haven’t played or haven’t completed that others will judge you for?

Any Zelda game before Twilight Princess. Whoops.

What kind of Nintendo Content do you create?

I stream lots of Nintendo content on Twitch and make Let’s Play series on YouTube.

What advice would you give someone wanting to start creating their own Nintendo content?

Don’t play the popular or trendy games. Play the games you love. People will see that passion and respond to it. Besides that, watch content creators you admire and take notes on how they play, edit, behave, etc. to improve upon your own content.

Where can we find you and your content and follow you on social media?

Twitch.tv/mischacrossing and YouTube/mischacrossing

Twitter and Instagram.com/mischamuffin

Do you have a piece of content that you’ve created that’s your favorite? (Please include link)

I’m still very happy with my first ever Let’s Play series on YouTube, which was of Animal Crossing: New Leaf. 

Josh Schmidt
Josh Schmidt
I've been a Nintendo fan for over 30 years. I love talking about Nintendo games almost as much as I love playing them. I am the host of the Nintendo Power Cast and I stream Nintendo games regularly on Twitch.


  1. Mischa is such a great content creator <3 super great article about a super great person!

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