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Featured Creator PlayinNintendo

What is your history with Nintendo?

At only 30, I often find myself behind the times when it comes to my fellow Nintendo fans. While yes it is true that I grew up in the 90s, I often ran a generation (sometimes two!) behind the other kids in my neighborhoods. It actually wasn’t until the N64 that I felt like I had a console that all my friends also had and it wasn’t until the GameCube that I actually had a day one Nintendo console. That said, I’ve always gravitated towards the Nintendo brand and characters from as long as I could remember. I was that kid – glued to a console at friend’s birthday party refusing to partake or go home. When I went to an aunt’s house, babysitters, anytime I could really get my hands on a Nintendo console I did.

Favorites consoles?

Can I only pick one lol? Man, how hard is this question? It’s so difficult trying to pick out just one when so many of my favorite moments are spread across so many different iterations of hardware. Not to mention there are so many different reasons to love them all individually. Looks like I’m going to have to cop-out of giving you any-one-answer. My favorites out of the bunch to date are probably the N64, GameCube, 3DS, Wii U & Switch. The N64 for the couch-coop memories, the GameCube for being the first console of “power” that featured both 3rd parties as well as first party Nintendo games, the 3DS for being the first ever portable that I truly cherished (still going btw), and the Wii U and Switch because the memories I’ve made watching my kids grow up sharing my gaming hobby.

Favorite games or series?

The Legend of Zelda, Fire Emblem & Pokemon are my favorite Nintendo series. My favorite installments of each are Legend of Zelda the Wind Waker, Fire Emblem Fates & Pokemon Sun & Moon. I’m still torn or not if I can call Breath of the Wild my favorite over Wind Waker, I’m going to need to replay it a few more times and give it some years before I give it the official nod.

What’s one of your favorite Nintendo memories?

Without a doubt, my favorite Nintendo memory involves the Wii U (I know lol). My daughter, 5 years old in November 2012, had watched E3 with me that year and was hooked by the Wii U’s proposal. She saw Mario, Wii Sports, a new Mii based game featuring so many familiar Nintendo brands and a snazzy new touchscreen controller that was very similar to the DS she had been using for a year-plus at the time. Ultimately the hype got her hooked, maybe even more so than me and she was there when I pre-ordered the console at our local GameStop.

For months she heard me tell the tales of the Wii launch to my wife whenever we’d discuss the new hotness. The crowds, the excitement, the Beatles-esque rush to get the next Nintendo console. Without question, I surely built up her anticipation too much as launch day became a reality. On November 18th, 2012 my daughter and I went to breakfast and ordered the works. I wanted her to remember her first console launch forever, so whatever she wanted (strawberry french toast in case you’re wondering). Then we drove to our local GameStop at 10:00 am, an hour before the doors opened, to make sure we got a good spot “in line.” It only took a few moments after we pulled into the lot to realize we were the only ones there. All the build, all the anticipation, was misplaced and I worried she’d be upset about missing the spectacle but to my surprise, she was just as excited as if there were 3000 people lined up. Then, one of the best purchasing experiences I’ve ever encountered occurred. Our GameStop manager Micah saw us waiting patiently in our car. Having been on the receiving end of her Wii U daydreams and my never-ending Nintendo rants for months, he texted me and told me to go ahead and come into the store. When we got to the door he lifted the gate and told my daughter he was “opening early” just for her so she could get her Wii U. He gave her lanyards, posters, promo boxes, put a bow on her Wii U box and told her to always cherish her first Nintendo console and to this day she remembers that moment. It’s a memory I’ll always share with my daughter and I doubt this one will ever be topped.

What’s a Nintendo game that you haven’t played or haven’t completed that others will judge you for?

That’s an easy one – most of the great games from the NES or Gameboy era I never played or beaten because I didn’t have access to them and now don’t feel the urge to try and revisit them. Additionally, I’ve never beaten Earthbound nor have I really invested any real effort into an F-ZERO game.

What kind of Nintendo Content do you create?

As a founder of the PSVG Podcast Network (psvg.blog) primarily podcasts, blogs and reviews in audio, video and written format. I am the host of our weekly Nintendo show dubbed The Nintendo Shack with Ninten-sis Caroline and Ninten-bro Jason.

What advice would you give someone wanting to start creating their own Nintendo content?

In today’s world, nobody is trying to find someone that hasn’t already started creating their own content. The digital age has more than abundant avenues to start a podcast, become a streamer, write reviews or columns on video games and be plugged into the space. So get started, there’s plenty to do, collaborate with as many people as you can because a high tide raises all boats and try as much as possible to add to the digital conversation vs. tearing other opinions down.

Where can we find you and your content?

You can find me at psvg.blog, every Thursday night on the Nintendo Shack’s live stream, Friday mornings when the Nintendo Shack podcast drops and on Twitter @PlayinNintendo.

Do you have a piece of content that you’ve created that’s your favorite? (Please include link)

My favorites at the moment include my Momocon coverage from this year where I got to meet and interview some amazing people including Suda51, Nolan North & Troy Baker and Kyle Hebert (aka the voice of Frederick in Fire Emblem).


Josh Schmidt
Josh Schmidt
I've been a Nintendo fan for over 30 years. I love talking about Nintendo games almost as much as I love playing them. I am the host of the Nintendo Power Cast and I stream Nintendo games regularly on Twitch.
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